Caitlin and Theepan worked hard together, to paint the jumper and trousers on the gorilla. It's going to be wearing our school uniform!
Ella and Holly were next to paint... they worked on the base colour for the head and feet...what detail do you think will be added next?
Then Simon, Adam and Ella, began to add extra detail. Ella's idea was for the gorilla to have a maths brain using lots of symbols for the detail. Adam's design was for the gorilla to wear cheeky monster shoes... look at them on it's back feet! Simon gave the gorilla a cool watch to read the time on.
Remember, you have give your suggestions for the gorilla's name in the main entrance. Post your suggestion into the box, with your own name and class also on the piece of paper.
Hope for Chiminuka is finished!! Well done to all the artists! We have named the gorilla after our own gorilla, that we have raised money to spronsor though the Born Free Trust.